Repair Overhang For Bldgs. FC280 and FC285, Camp Lejeune, NC

1. Contract Number: N4008522F5217

2. Project Title: Repair Overhang for Bldgs FC280 and FC285

3. Project Description

This project is part of the MCI East AOR MACC. This project consists of a demo of the existing parapet wall and overhang decking. Removal and replacement of structural support steel are required for the decking. Once removal and reinstallation are completed, a complete synthetic rubber coating must be applied to the decking. This project consists of removing existing light fixtures, soffits, associated assemblies, and horizontal steel beams from the east and west overhangs of the two buildings (4 overhangs). Replace horizontal steel beams with new to match existing, reinstall other associated steel soffit components and re-stucco soffits with new to match existing. Also includes removing all existing steel structure’s paint, prep, repaint and re-caulk and paint new stucco soffits. Existing, removed light fixtures to be reinstalled.

4. Award Date: 05/18/2022

5. Completion Date: 06/29/2023

6. Dollar Value of Contract: $991,351.00

7. Contact us at for more information

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