B100 and 495 Roof Repairs, NSA Panama City, FL

1. Contract Number: N62470-13-D-6022; 19S23999AU25

2. Project Title: CM-66 Roof Repairs Bundle 1 Bldgs. 100 and 495 Building Envelope Repairs NSA Panama City, FL

3. Project Description: Remove and replace 40,000 SF of shingles and felt paper, remove and replace 400 LF of internal gutters, remove and replace 8 scuppers.

4. Award Date: June 19, 2019

5. Completion Date: September 24, 2019

6. Dollar Value of Contract: $241,353.19

7. Contact us at info@rbg8a.com for more information

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Pensacola, FL 32501

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